Help with an Organisational Health Program

Organizational Health Program

For Leadership Teams


“The single greatest advantage any company can achieve is organizational health.Yet it is ignored by most leaders even though it is simple, free, and available to anyone who wants it.” -Patrick Lencioni, The Advantage

The Organisational Health Programme consists of 4 disciplines that we will work on in depth.

Discipline 1: Building a cohesive leadership team
A Leadership Team should consist of a small group of people (3 to 10) who are “behaviourally cohesive”. Every leadership team should adopt these five principles of behaviour:

  • Trust
  • Conflict
  • Commitment
  • Accountability
  • Results


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Trust – This is the foundation for building a cohesive team. It is different than the conventional notion of trust – it’s about Vulnerable Trust. Can the team be clear and truthful and admit fault without fear?

Conflict – This is about Healthy Conflict It is about allowing everyone to express their view and opinions, and being able to agree to disagree. Allowing everyone to weigh in through discussion/conflict enables them to buy in. Are we comfortable saying that we might be wrong in a situation? Can we be honest and tell another team member that their idea is better than ours?

Commitment – This is about being able to buy in to the organization. If one cannot weigh in, how can one buy in? Establishing trust and creating an arena for healthy conflict will allow for people to voice their commitment.

Accountability – Once they have committed, each member should be held accountable for their tasks and duties. Holding people accountable is not easy. This is about caring enough to risk being blamed for pointing out a coworker’s mistakes.

Results – Once Trust, Conflict, Commitment, and Accountability are in place, real results occur. The good of the team comes first – a team works together to achieve the goals that are shared across the entire team.

The 5 Team Dysfunctions Workshop for Leaders or Teams is the foundation of this programme

organisational health

Discipline 2: Create Clarity

Answering Six Critical Questions is the start of creating Clarity. It is made up of the answers to these six critical questions to ensure that each team member has a clear understanding of what it means to work in your organisation:

  • Why do we exist?
  • How do we behave?
  • What do we do?
  • How will we succeed?
  • What is most important right now?
  • Who must do what?

Discipline 3: Over Communicate Clarity

Communicating the answers to the six critical questions is imperative. Communication should be done CLEARLY, REPEATEDLY, ENTUSIASTICALLY, AND REPEATEDLY! It is said that any idea or concept must be communicated at least SEVEN times before it is truly believed.

Discipline 4: Reinforce Clarity

Reinforcing clarity in every process that involves people is intended to answer the six critical questions – this means that processes for hiring, training, people management and compensation, for example, should be designed around the six critical questions.
“Human systems give an organization a structure for tying its operations, culture, and management together, even when leaders aren’t around to remind people.” Patrick Lencioni, The Advantage

  • organisational health


A good example of this is developing an approach to hiring, wherein the primary purpose is to put just enough structure in place to ensure a measure of consistency and adherence to the company’s core values.

After all, the real goal to any effective hiring process is to find people who fit the culture, agree with the core values, and have the best chance at success.


We are striving to make Organizational Health OUR top priority. The points outlined above are not our words or ideas – the sole credit for this goes to Patrick Lencioni and his book, The Advantage.We strongly believe in this strategy and are excited to teach you how to implement the organisational health programme in your company or organisation.


Would you like more information about the Organisational Health Programme? Do not hesitate to call me or contact me to establish a personalised programme development plan.
