Epic Workshops Lego Serious Play Madrid 2025

Epic Workshops Lego Serious Play MADRID for your teams 

how you can take advantage of Lego® Serious Play® methodology.

Do you need a fun team building activity or a new method to engage and inspire your staff?  If so, then an epic workshop LEGO Serious Play workshops in Madrid could be just what you’re looking for …

A LEGO workshop may sound like playing with bricks. Yet the methodology has a serious and potentially transformative purpose. That is why it is called “Serious Play”. LEGO® Serious Play® is used in academic and corporate institutions around the world. It is based on the theories of constructivism. We learn when our experiences and ideas interact. And we learn when we physically construct an object. It is widely recognized that children can learn by playing, and therefore the same can be applied to adults …

The Lego Serious Play Method

The Lego Serious Play method is ideal for a day of work with staff or team. For any session aimed at bringing people together. Promote a better understanding of the company’s objectives and values.

Talleres Lego Serious Play Madrid

Lego Serious Play Workshops Madrid 

Epic workshops Lego Serious Play Madrid  foster better understanding of working relationships. They help recognize and celebrate the diversity of people and approaches within teams.

lego serious play workshops Madrid

Lego workshops can be adapted to different organizational needs. Typically, the main focus is one of the following:

  • teamwork
  • problem solving
  • creative thinking


An epic workshop LEGO Serious Play works because through this engaging method, attendees can:

  • think divergently (embracing creativity and spontaneity)
  • generate ideas both individually and as a group.
  • hear and be heard
  • engage with others and with company values.


It can be twice as productive as coming up with ideas on your own.
play to unlock the imagination.

Adults need to rediscover play to access innovative solutions.
Storytelling Storytelling brings people together emotionally. It also promotes a deeper understanding of others.

I am a Certified Facilitator in the Lego Serious Play® Methodology.

Epic Workshops Lego Serious Play Madrid 2025

Pedro Solórzano – Certified Facilitator

As a certified LEGO Serious Play facilitator with more than 100 workshops behind me, you can benefit of all the knowledge and experience in the 5 continents. Epic workshops from one hour to two days and with a record of 196 attendees. I regularly use this innovative and fun methodology in companies. In a unique way, and with the value of experience, I help people to explore their professional lives, their values and their vision in depth.

Do not hesitate to contact me to make one or more Epic Workshops Lego Serious Play Madrid 2023.

Tell me about your needs by calling 601 601 137 or arrange a 30 minutes video call here.

