Enneagram Test Riso Hudson (ITA)


Enneagram Test. With the following test you will obtain both the predominant personality type or enneatype and a score of coincidence with each of the enneatypes



Enneagram Test. With the following test you will obtain both the predominant personality type or enneatype and a score of coincidence with each of the enneatypes. The highest score will give you your predominant enneatype and the second highest your wing.

The Enneagram test consists of 135 statements or attitudes.
It is necessary to answer all of them in order to see the results. You cannot leave any question blank.
Each of the questions has 5 options: “Almost never”, “Rarely true”, “Somewhat true”, “Generally true” and “Very true”.
Choose the option or answer that you feel best fits your description (about what most of your life has been like) for each of the statements.
From the book “The Wisdom of the Enneagram” by Richard Riso and Russ Hudson. Ed. Urano, 2001